- 1. How do I cancel my domain name?
There are a number of ways you can cancel your domain name:
- Cancel your domain name online using your Name Holder ID and Password.
- Contact your Approved Domainz Provider and ask if they can cancel your name. It is recommended you inform them of all cancellations as they will need to cease domain name service to the name.
- Complete a cancellation form and fax to +64 4 473 4569. If you do not have access to a fax, this request can be posted to us. Please ensure that the domain name is stated on the fax, the UDAI (domain name specific password) is listed and the fax is signed by an authorised signatory. If you are unsure as to who can sign the cancellation request, and/or do not have the UDAI for the domain name, please contact our Customer Service Team on (International) +64 4 473 4567 or (NZ toll free) 0800 366 2469 or email [email protected].
- 2. How do I reactivate a cancelled domain name?
Cancelled domain names sit in a holding pool for 90 days. Anytime during these 90 days the listed Name holder can request the name to be reactivated.
For a domain name to be reactivated the following must occur:
- Any previously outstanding fees must be paid
- A reactivation fee per domain name applies
- 3. What happens to a domain name when it is cancelled?
Cancellation means that the name disappears from the Internet. Any associated website or email that uses the cancelled domain name becomes inoperable. Once a domain name has been cancelled, it is placed in a holding pool for 90 days. While a domain name remains in the holding pool, the legal Name Holder of that domain name can advise Domainz that they wish to reactivate the domain name.
- 4. What happens to my domainz web and email services when my domain name is reactivated?
When your domain name is reactivated, any domainz web and email services will be reinstated. Any email sent to the cancelled domain name during the cancellation period will not be available.
- 5. Why would my .nz domain name be cancelled?
.nz domain names can only be cancelled by Domainz for one of two reasons:
- If the registrant (Name Holder) explicitly requests the cancellation.
- If there is a non-payment of renewal fees to Domainz or to a Domainz Reseller (Provider). In this instance, the Registrant will be provided with 14 days notice prior to the cancellation.