There are a number of ways you can cancel your domain name:
Each domain name registration is seen as unique, so once a name is registered it cannot be changed. If you wish to use a different domain name in the future you will need to register the new domain name and then cancel the domain name registration which is no longer required.
Ideally your domain name will reflect your businesses name, trading name or product. A large proportion of your customers may guess your domain name and type your business name or product name straight into their browser rather than find you through a search engine.
The best domain name you can have is one that is most easily identifiable and memorable for your customers.
Some things to consider are:
Simply call our Customer Service Team on 0800 366 2469 or send an email to [email protected] to request this service.
Cancelled domain names sit in a holding pool for 90 days. Anytime during these 90 days the listed Name holder can request the name to be reactivated.
For a domain name to be reactivated the following must occur:
Domainz provide 3 different ways to register your domain name.
When you register directly with Domainz you will be able to use either our free basic Web and Email Services, which include a website placeholder, basic web redirection and email forwarding services, or our full Web and Email Packages.
Simply use our Country Code Domain Names (ccTLD) search and registration service to secure your name online immediately.
Either complete an online transfer in request or contact our Online Solutions Team. We will do all the processing for you.
For .nz domain names, you will need to let us know the Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) for each domain name.
For gTLD domain names, you may prefer to download and complete our TLD Transfer Form and then fax it back to us.
If you wish to transfer the licence holder from one party to another, you will need complete an authorisation process which ensures the security of your domain name by requiring written verification from the current registrant (name holder) as well as the new registrant.
Download and complete the Change of Registrant Form. Once you've completed it in full and provided payment details (a small administration fee applies) please fax or post it to Domainz. If you are unsure about any of the information or how to complete it, please don't hesitate to contact us.
If you are not transferring the licence for your domain name from one party to another, but simply amending or updating the way it is listed (for example a misspelling), please complete the online amendment form request.
Need help? Visit Support or call 0800 DOMAINZ (0800 366 2469)