Private registration can be enabled for .com/net/org/biz/info/us domain names registered under your account with Domainz (a Melbourne IT Company). If a domain name has expired and it is within 14 days after expiry, you can enable private registration for the domain name.
If the domain name has expired you have 14 days within which you can renew the domain name and enable private registration.
Simply call our Customer Service Team on 0800 366 2469 or send an email to [email protected] to request this service.
You will be charged a private registration fee, at the time of enabling private registration for a domain name.
Due to administrative costs incurred immediately on enabling private registration for the domain name, Domainz does not favour refunds. In this light, when you disable private registration for the domain name you are not refunded. Refunds occur only if the domain name expires and it is not renewed 14 days after it expires. At this stage you will lose management rights to the domain name as it will be assigned to Domainz (a Melbourne IT Company)’s control.
Enabling private registration for the domain name does not affect the domain name contact modification process. You can still complete contact modification as you would normally. Submitting a domain name contact modification request will not disable private registration of the domain name.
Yes. private registration for a domain name is renewed automatically on each anniversary of the domain name expiry until the domain name is cancelled or the private registration is disabled by calling our Call Centre on 0800 366 2469 or email [email protected].
When private registration is disabled for the domain name the original contact details associated with the domain name will be displayed in the public whois.
Note: Although private registration for the domain name is disabled instantly, the original domain name contact details will be displayed when the Domainz Whois is refreshed.
Currently the Domainz Whois refreshes every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Callers to the phone number displayed in the Whois for the domain name after private registration has been enabled will be greeted by a voice message with instructions on how to contact the Registrant via a web form.
Mail sent to the email address displayed in the Whois for the domain name after private registration has been enabled is SPAM filtered. The mail received that passes SPAM filtering, will be responded to by an Autoresponder. The Autoresponder email message will contain a hyperlink that when clicked will display a Web form containing the following fields:
On completion and submission of the Web form, the data collected is transported via an email to the Registrant and Administrative contact email address of the domain name. Note: This email is SPAM filtered prior to being sent.
Mail sent to the mailing address displayed in the Whois for the domain name after private registration has been enabled will be accepted only if it is sent via registered/certified mail processes.
On receipt of registered/certified mail Domainz (a Melbourne IT Company) will open and check for validity of contents to be passed on to the registrant. Legitimate contents will be scanned and emailed to the registrant. All other contents like marketing or sales promotional material will be discarded.
Domainz (a Melbourne IT Company) will hold hard copies of the contents for 30 days for the registrant. The scanned soft copies will be held for 7 years.
Domain Name contact information displayed in the public Whois is being increasingly abused. The Whois information is used for sending unsolicited commercial emails to the Domain Name contact displayed in the Whois; and also mined and sold to third parties for marketing purposes and various other users with malicious intent. To protect your customers against such acts you could provide them with private registration.
Need help? Visit Support or call 0800 DOMAINZ (0800 366 2469)