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Domain Names > Renewal

  1. Can I renew my domain name now even if it is not due until later in the year?
  2. Do all my domain names come up for renewal at the same time?
  3. How do I renew my domain name?
  4. How many years can I register/renew my .nz domain name for?
  5. How much does it cost to renew a domain name?
  6. What are the advantages of registering for longer?
1. Can I renew my domain name now even if it is not due until later in the year?

Yes you can. You can now renew your domain name at any time. The number of years you select for your domain name renewal will be added to your renewal/expiry date.

2. Do all my domain names come up for renewal at the same time?

Your domain names renewal/expiry date is determined by the date the domain name was originally registered. As such, if your domain names were registered during different months they will not renew at the same time. However if you have multiple names and would like an easier way to manage them contact us on 0800 366 2469.

3. How do I renew my domain name?
  • Online
  • Telephone - Contact our Customer Service Team on 0800 366 2469.
4. How many years can I register/renew my .nz domain name for?

.nz and .com domain names can be registered and renewed for a term between 1 and 10 years. names can only be registered and renewed for 2 years.

5. How much does it cost to renew a domain name?

You can find pricing information for all of our products on our pricing page.

6. What are the advantages of registering for longer?

The longer your registration, the more security your brand or company name has and the less chance that you'll forget to renew and lose your name to someone else. Multiple year registration will also reduce the amount of administration time you spend on your domain names.


Domain Names
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