We are constantly looking for ways to improve our service. We are also committed to handling all complaints promptly, professionally and fairly.
If you feel that Domainz, a Domainz Approved Provider or a Registrant has breached a stated .nz policy, or if you have a concern or suggestion regarding our service or policies please contact us on (International) +64 4 473 4567 or (NZ toll free) 0800 DOMAINZ (0800 366 2469) or email [email protected]
The .nz domain name space operates on a "first come, first served" basis. When an entity registers a domain name, they agree to our Terms of Service, which state that the domain name must not infringe the legal rights (including the intellectual property rights) of any third party.
However, if you believe someone has registered a name that infringes on your rights you can explore the following options:
At present the .nz domain name space does not have a Dispute Resolution process. The Office of the Domain Name Commissioner is evaluating the need for a process and is seeking feedback from those who have had experience of dealing with domain name disputes.
Domainz does not offer a dispute resolution service but if you are unsure about where you stand please contact us on (International) +64 4 473 4567 or (NZ toll free) or email [email protected]
All registrars in the .biz, .com, .info, .name, .net, and .org top-level domains follow the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (often referred to as the "UDRP") set up by ICANN.
The system requires that you lodge a dispute with one of the selected providers, which are listed at http://www.icann.org/udrp/approved-providers.htm.
There is a cost involved and to succeed in a complaint, you will need to show that
If you have any queries or comments in respect of the Domainz complaints/disputes policy, please contact us on (International) +64 4 473 4567 or (NZ toll free) 0800 DOMAINZ (0800 366 2469) or email [email protected].
Need help? Visit Support or call 0800 DOMAINZ (0800 366 2469)